Virtual L&D Leadership in a Pandemic

Virtual L&D Leadership Pandemic | TrainingPros

What changes are you experiencing in the workplace as a virtual learning leader during the pandemic? How are you currently engaging with virtual teams? As a company, we’ve had to quickly adapt to creatively engage with our L&D training consultants and internal teams. TrainingPros president Leigh Anne Lankford shares four ideas for virtual leadership to nurture and drive engagement with your remote training consultants and employees.

Virtual Team Get-Togethers

Spend time with your virtual L&D consultants and employees outside of work to engage beyond the office. Social interactions apart from work allow the opportunity to participate in a more relaxed and informal setting. This creates a sense of togetherness, especially in these difficult times.

Mental Health Workshops

The global pandemic has been a stressful and challenging time for everyone. Provide opportunities that will benefit the mental health of your remote teams.

Highlight Every Triumph

Whether big or small, celebrate all team achievements – both for virtual L&D consultants and employees. Use every success to motivate and inspire to drive a feeling of accomplishment.

Communicate Frequently

As a learning leader, up your communication game to stay connected with remote consultants and employees working from home. Frequent interaction can help them feel more engaged during the current pandemic.

Read Leigh Anne’s article Nurturing Employee Engagement in a Remote Workplace published in the Women’s Business Daily. If you’re a learning and development leader looking for the qualified training consultants for your next project, TrainingPros can help.

When learning leaders have more projects than they have people, TrainingPros can provide the right L&D consultants so they can start their projects with confidence. For more information, visit the TrainingPros website or call 866-659-7767, today.

Picture of Elizabeth Paturi

Elizabeth Paturi

Elizabeth Paturi enjoys new restaurants and is known for regularly eating spicy food. She is a fan of anything “sparkly” but is also partial to the color yellow. Over the last 10 years she has worked as a marketing professional for TrainingPros.
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Elizabeth Paturi enjoys new restaurants and is known for regularly eating spicy food. She is a fan of anything “sparkly” but is also partial to the color yellow. Over the last 10 years she has worked as a marketing professional for TrainingPros.

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